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Frank Muller-KargerUniversity of South Florida

Frank is a biological oceanographer who studies coastal and marine biodiversity. He serves as co-chair of MBON, and serves on GOOS Bio-Eco, Ocean Best Practices, and OceanObs RCN.
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Isabel Sousa PintoInterdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto (CIMAR)

Country or Region: Portugal
Realm studied: Marine
Earth Observation Approach: In Situ
Geographic zone studied: Central and Western Europe, Atlantic Ocean, Also global in the framework of Marine BON
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Masahiro NakaokaHokkaido University, Akkeshi Marine Station

I am studying community ecology in coastal ecosystems, specially focusing on seagrass beds in East and Southeast Asian regions. I am also interested in ecosystem service assessment of these habitats.


Realm studied
Earth Observation Approach
Geographic zone studied
Geographic zone studied

376 Members

Marine BON

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